วันเสาร์ที่ 2 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2561

ค้นคว้าวิจัย จาก ERIC

The Impact of Distributed Leadership Behaviors of School Principals on the Organizational Commitment of Teachers
Akdemir, Öznur Atas; Ayik, Ahmet
Universal Journal of Educational Research, v5 n12B p18-26 2017
This study aims to investigate the effect of school principals' distributed leadership behaviors on teachers' organizational commitment. For this purpose, correlational survey model has been used in this study. The study group consists of 772 teachers working at secondary schools of Erzurum. The data of the study has been collected by using Distributed Leadership Inventory which was developed by Hulpia, Devos and Rosseel (2009a) and adapted to Turkish by Baloglu (2012), and Organizational Commitment Scale for Teachers which was developed by Üstüner (2009). The data has been analyzed with SPSS programme. Some descriptive statistics such as frequencies, percentages, arithmetic mean and standard deviation have been used. Besides, Pearson Moment Correlation has been used in order to determine the relationships among the variables; and multiple linear regression analysis has been used to investigate predictive power of distributed leadership. According to the findings of the study, it is determined that teachers' perceptions towards school principals' distributed leadership behaviors and organizational commitment are at moderate level. The findings of the study have revealed that there is a positive and significant relationship between school principals' distributed leadership behaviors and teachers' organizational commitment. Besides, school principals' distributed leadership behaviors significantly predict teachers' organizational commitment.
Horizon Research Publishing. 506 North Garfield Avenue #210, Alhambra, CA 91801. e-mail: editor@hrpub.org; Web site: http://www.hrpub.org

Relationship between the Instructional Leadership Behaviors of High School Principals and Teachers' Organizational Commitment
Sarikaya, Nuray; Erdogan, Çetin
Journal of Education and Practice, v7 n3 p72-82 2016
The purpose of the current study is to investigate the relationship between the instructional leadership behaviors of high school principals and teachers' perceptions of organizational commitment and to test the extent to which instructional leadership behaviors predict organizational commitment. The study is designed in relational method. The population comprised of secondary school teachers working at public schools located in the European side of Istanbul in 2014-2015 school year. The sampling of the study consists of 441 voluntary teachers from 28 different schools selected by means of simple random sampling method. The data of the study were collected through "School Principals' Instructional Leadership Questionnaire" developed by Sisman (1997) and "Organizational Commitment Scale" developed by Balay (2000). Whether the distribution of the collected data is normal or not was tested using histogram, Q-Q graphs and coefficient of skewness and kurtosis. As the distribution was found to be normal, parametric tests were used. The relationship between instructional leadership behaviors and organizational commitment was analyzed with Pearson-product moment correlation analysis and the extent to which instructional behaviors predict organizational commitment was investigated with multiple linear regression analysis. The findings of the study revealed that the principals most display instructional leadership behaviors involved in the dimension of setting and sharing of school goals and least display the instructional leadership behaviors encompassed by the dimension of supporting and developing teachers. The organizational commitment of the teachers was found to be little at "compliance" dimension and to be medium at "identification" and "internalization" dimensions. As for the adaptation dimension, negative correlation was found between the principals' instructional leadership behaviors and the teachers' organizational commitment and for identification and internalization dimensions, positive and significant correlation was found between the principals' instructional leadership behaviors and the teachers' organizational commitment. It was also found that the "establishment of a well-organized instructional environment and climate" dimension of instructional leadership behaviors significantly predicts the sub-dimensions of organizational commitment.
IISTE. No 1 Central, Hong Kong Island, Hong Kong SAR. Tel: +852-39485948; e-mail: JEP@iiste.org; Web site: http://iiste.org/Journals/index.hp/JEP
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Mehdinezhad, Vali; Sardarzahi, Zaid
Journal of New Approaches in Educational Research, v5 n1 p11-16 Jan 2016
This paper aims at studying the leadership behaviors reported by principals and observed by teachers and its relationship with management experience of principals. A quantitative method was used in this study. The target population included all principals and teachers of guidance schools and high schools in the Dashtiari District, Iran. A sample consisting of 46 principals and 129 teachers was selected by stratified sampling and simple random sampling methods. A leadership Behavior Description Questionnaire (LBDQ) developed by Kozes and Posner (2001) was used for data collection. The obtained data were analyzed using one sample and independent t-test, correlation coefficient and crosstabs pearson Chi-square test. The results showed that teachers describe leadership behaviors of their principals relatively well. However, principals themselves evaluated their leadership behaviors as very well. Comparing between leadership behaviors self-reported by principals and those observed by teachers, a significant difference was found between the views and evaluations of teachers and principals on all components of leadership behaviors of principals, except that regarding empowerment. In fact, principals described their leadership behaviors better and at a more appropriate level than teachers. From the perspective of both teachers and principals, there was no significant relationship between any of the components of leadership behaviors and management experience of principals.
Descriptors: Leadership Styles, Principals, Experience, Administrator Behavior, Statistical Analysis, Elementary Secondary Education, Questionnaires, Teacher Surveys, Administrator Surveys, Foreign Countries, Teacher Attitudes, Administrator Attitudes
University of Alicante. Carretera San Vincente del Raspeig, Alicante, 03690, Spain. Tel: +34-96-590-3721; Fax: +35-96-590-3464; e-mail: editor.naerjournal@ua.es; Web site: https://naerjournal.ua.es




ค้นคว้าวิจัย จาก ERIC

The Impact of Distributed Leadership Behaviors of School Principals on the Organizational Commitment of Teachers Akdemir, Öznur Atas; ...